Chain links

Weekly Links - Week of Nov 4th, 2018

This week, I updated my James Reads site to use Gatsby, powered by a combination of Pocket & the WordPress site that currently resides on that domain. I do a lot of reading on Pocket, and I’ve been meaning to figure out a way to display both Pocket- & WP-saved links there. Initially, that was going to be pulling in my Pocket list into WordPress, but I’m considering moving away from WordPress as Gutenberg controversially lumbers towards a release. In the meantime, spinning up a Gatsby site was really easy and allowed me to decouple the data source from the front-end display of that data, so I can eventually move the data source without needing to rewrite my front-end. If you’re interested, you can see the source here.

Because I’ve now finally got all my readings up in one place, I can start doing what I’ve been meaning to do for a long time: start a weekly link post! I don’t do enough writing, and this seems like a good way to get into a regular habit without having to commit a ton of time to start. So, without further ado, here’s some highlights of what I’ve been reading and thinking over the past week:


We’ve been considering GraphQL at work to solve our data fetching issues. We’ve got a number of charts & graphs that need data from a few different endpoints, and we’re looking at whether providing a GraphQL API would help simplify things. I’m currently a bit hesitant; a lot of the implementations of GraphQL with React use components to declare their data needs, and my current feeling is components are for display/UI and shouldn’t be tied to data fetching. I’ve been using Redux and have been pushing to get as much of that handling out of components and into middleware, so GraphQL seems like a step backwards.

That said, being able to send a single request instead of a half-dozen would be really nice, and it’s possible I’m being too rigid. The PayPal experience was glowing, and certainly made it easier for them to iterate on what they were building compared to the previous REST-y approach. It was also great to see some of the downsides, but most of those downsides are on the back-end, where it definitely increases the complexity. We’d have to add Node to our stack, and while it makes front-end querying easier, making sure the queries work on the back-end could be more difficult.

I’m also still looking to see if anyone is going GraphQL queries in Redux middleware, rather than in the components, but that seems like mostly a “no” so far. If you are, I would love to hear from you!

Functional (or Utility-first) CSS

The other sore spot I’m spending time looking into is our CSS stack. I’ve used styled-components on two projects now, and I can’t say I’m a huge fan at this point. It makes it difficult to visualize the resulting DOM structure, as every element is a styled-component with a name. Former coworkers have reported performance issues with it, although some of that may no longer be an issue in v4. Although this is probably true of most CSS solutions, I’m finding it requires discipline to not reimplement the same styles multiple times. You really need to be aggressive in extracting CSS either into the theme or shared components for reuse.

Some of this is admittedly on us as users, but it feels like a question of what the tech affords you. For these reasons, I’ve been looking hard at Functional CSS as a paradigm going forward. I’m using TailwindCSS on the aforementioned Gatsby site, and part of what I like is how limiting it is. You can write your own CSS, if you must, but you’re not encouraged to do so. Instead, it pushes you to reuse the dozens of CSS classes that already ship with Tailwind. It’s also a lot easier to visualize your HTML, as all the underlying elements are still there, plus you can look at those elements to visualize exactly what CSS is going to be applied. Lastly, the overall design system in then embedded in these minimal number of classes, so you’re limited as to the number of styles you can use at any given time, which enforces more consistency.

It also results in a lot less CSS overall, as each component doesn’t require you to write CSS to style it. I’ve been really excited by how well it has worked on my Gatsby site, and I’ve been looking at whether & how we can apply some of these principles to styled-components, as a complete overhaul is out of the question at this time. Looking at some of those experiences with Functional CSS has been really enlightening.

Voter Disenfranchisement

The midterms were Tuesday, and one of the “memes” that pops up around every election is complaints about the large swath of people who don’t vote. There are, admittedly, some people who explicitly choose not to vote; they believe it doesn’t matter, their vote doesn’t count, both parties are the same, etc. I’m not going to equivocate: those people are wrong–aggressively, stupidly wrong. I remember seeing this comment in one of the lefty groups I’m in: “If voting had the power to change things, they would have taken it away from you.” Which is dumb, because they are trying to take it away from you.

On the flip side, those who look down on non-voters generally assume apathy and come with a tone of condescension. The worst part is it doesn’t typically come from an understanding of why people don’t vote, nor does it offer solutions to the real difficulties people have voting.

All of this is on my mind as I read reports from Georgia of 4 hour lines to vote, voting machines locked away unused, and purges of registered voters. So I read the below two articles with interest, especially looking at why young people in particular don’t vote.

The assumption has always been that they don’t care, but the argument Jamelle Bouie makes is the systems are simply not designed to enable individuals with unstable lives to vote. If you move a lot, as young people do, updating your registration every couple of months is a hassle. If you need an ID to update said registration, now there’s another barrier to getting there. If you don’t have access to a car or public transit, getting to the locations to get either of these things becomes another barrier.

This doesn’t just apply to young people either, but to anyone living unstable lives, which are often poor or minorities. Voting takes place on a Tuesday, so voters have to take off work to vote (especially if they have to stand in a 4hr line to do so), and many states don’t have early voting (like my home state, New York, which has abysmally low turnout) or allow vote-by-mail. On top of all that, add the explicit barriers to voting, such as voter ID laws (in TX, you can use your gun or military license to register but not your student or employer ID) and closed polling locations, and you end up with a system that both passively and actively makes it difficult for people to vote.

So when I hear people complain about non-voters, I’m not hearing solutions besides “try harder.” We as a culture love to blame individuals for systemic problems, and if you’re actually interested in getting people out to vote, we need to focus on the barriers to voting instead of castigating individuals for not climbing over them.

Maybe if voting didn’t suck, more people would vote? Just a thought…