At a time when the Republicans are beclowning themselves, liberal Democrats need only to remain cohesive and even-keeled while the right hangs itself politically. But when it appears as if even the most liberal of the Democratic candidates are out of touch with African-American activists, and when it appears as if the progressive base is caught in the throes of in-fighting, it exposes political weaknesses to be exploited.

The leaps of logic required to speak this statement with even an ounce of seriousness is actually kind of impressive.

“I couldn’t help but think of Galileo,” he said, producing some halting chuckles. Galileo was a Catholic, Taylor explained, and he “wasn’t defiant to the Church.” Galileo merely understood that it would be better for the Catholic Church to be right about the scientific question of the nature of the Solar System. “Thank goodness for Albert Einstein. Thank goodness he was a denier,” Taylor said. “Thank goodness Sir Isaac Newton was a denier. Thank goodness that Galileo was a denier.”

As a sociologist who has read critical race theory and learned from critical race theorists, Robinson’s tweets, for me, were impassioned statements of well-established and well-founded lines of thought. For the uninitiated, however, they were jarring. The average nice white ladies of the world don’t understand that “whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror” refers to a history of white-on-black interpersonal and institutional violence, degrading media portrayals, over-policing and under-protection of black communities, hypersexualization of black women, and fear mongering aimed at black men. And of course they don’t, that’s one of the key points of critical race theory: cultural logics render power-hierarchies invisible while perpetuating race-based opportunity structures that privilege whites.

Handy chart to check if you should work for free. tl;dr: Mostly no, unless it’s your mom.

A traditional #memorialday meal.

Oh thank god: Looks like io.js and Node are going to merge soon. It’ll take a while, but it’s on its way!

To ignore these ways the site is structured and to instead be seen as a neutral platform means to not have responsibility, to offload the blame for what users see or don’t see onto on the users. The politics and motives that go into structuring the site and therefore its users don’t have to be questioned if they are not acknowledged. This ideological push by Facebook to downplay their own role in shaping their own site was also on display last month at the International Journalism Festival in Italy, featuring Facebook’s head of news.