Dick Spambot

This is the first time I’ve ever had a spammer insult me.

This had to have been coordinated.

Want to get bent about “PC culture run amok”? How about, don’t?

It’s about how one professor coming under Title IX investigation for an article containing a veiled attack on a student is part of the “political correctness gone mad” narrative but another professor straight-up losing his job for negative tweets about Israel is not. It’s about how conservatives get to revise the AP U.S. history exam and kill a Smithsonian exhibit about the Hiroshima bombing because they both contain facts that make them uncomfortable, but this isn’t labeled as “political correctness.” It’s about how Mel Gibson kills his Hollywood career with a rambling anti-Semitic rant and Rose McGowan gets blacklisted for a single snarky tweet about sexist casting notices–but only the former is “censorious p.c. culture,” the latter is just Hollywood businessmen protecting the feelings of the people who sign their checks.

What happens to affective teaching labor when it runs up against robots, against automation? Even the tasks that education technology purports to now be able to automate – teaching, testing, grading – are shot through with emotion when done by humans, or at least when done by a person who’s supposed to have a caring, supportive relationship with their students. Grading essays isn’t necessarily burdensome because it’s menial, for example; grading essays is burdensome because it is affective labor; it is emotionally and intellectually exhausting.

Audrey Watters, Hack Education


“When my son steps out every day, I don’t know if he’s gonna step back in because of racial tension,” one woman says, before asking, “How do you relate to that?”

“I relate to it by, as president, trying to create a society where there is civility and understanding,” Bush responds. “And to encourage mayors, leaders at the local level, to engage so that there’s not despair and isolation in communities.”

A Better WordPress Singleton

If you look at any WordPress plugin of significant size, you’ll probably find most of them boot the same way. From BuddyPress, to PressForward, to JetPack, all of these boot the same way: with singletons. JetPack in particular is interesting, as many of its modules are also singletons themselves. It’s an extremely common pattern in […]

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Trump is not a troll but exactly the result we should expect from our political and media systems:

Trump is called a troll because he’s said to not be a real candidate running a real campaign, that he’s not playing by the standard rules and not engaging in politics and democracy in good faith. But this is what makes Trump like the rest of the candidates and campaigns. That Trump is gaming the election coverage isn’t some kind of unsolvable problem but what such coverage asks for. As the Diana Christensen character says in the film Network (1976), “If you’re going to hustle, at least do it right.” The “Trump problem” for journalists is solved the moment we stop presupposing that the rest of the candidates and news coverage is real and in good faith.