Not sure this is best, but using Kefir’s `withHandler`, this debounce’s the values from the stream to only emit the latest value on `requestAnimationFrame`.

This is a surprisingly helpful (and cute!) tool for learning Flexbox.

I had been working on oEmbed into WP-Gistpen, so I wrote this tutorial on customizing oEmbed content from WordPress yourself. How have you been using the new oEmbed feature in WordPress?

White turkey chili with kale. #cooking #homemade #delicious

White turkey chili with kale

Chatr: Implementing Server Side Rendering with React

In our introduction to the series, we got a simple static page rendered with express.js and handlebars. Now that we’ve got everything going, we’re going to leverage React’s server-side rendering to move from just sending some static HTML to sending a rendered component’s HTML. On the client side, we’ll bootstrap React into the rendered HTML […]

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CSS: Expanding a div to take up the remaining space in a row

I ran into a problem today. I had two elements next to each other on a row. I needed the first element to just be contained to the width of its child elements, while the second element needed to take up the rest of the space. Here’s some dummy markup to get the idea: The […]

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Chatr: Exploring React & RxJS with a Chat Application

React.js has pretty well skyrocketed through the JavaScript community since its initial announcement, and with its reactive approach to UI, there’s been a growing interest in functional programming in the JavaScript community as a result. Because JavaScript allows you to pass functions around like objects, it makes it very easy to apply functional concepts to […]

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Nailed it. Orrechiette, sausage, & broccoli rabe. #classic #italian