TinyMCE Button Plugin

( function() {
// Register plugin
tinymce.create( 'tinymce.plugins.plugin_slug', {
init: function( editor, url ) {
// Add the Insert Gistpen button
editor.addButton( 'plugin_slug', {
//text: 'Insert Shortcode',
icon: 'icons dashicons-icon',
tooltip: 'Insert Shortcode',
cmd: 'plugin_command'
// Called when we click the Insert Gistpen button
editor.addCommand( 'plugin_command', function() {
// Calls the pop-up modal
// Modal settings
title: 'Insert Shortcode',
width: jQuery( window ).width() * 0.7,
// minus head and foot of dialog box
height: (jQuery( window ).height() - 36 - 50) * 0.7,
inline: 1,
id: 'plugin-slug-insert-dialog',
buttons: [{
text: 'Insert',
id: 'plugin-slug-button-insert',
class: 'insert',
onclick: function( e ) {
text: 'Cancel',
id: 'plugin-slug-button-cancel',
onclick: 'close'
tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'plugin_slug', tinymce.plugins.plugin_slug );
function appendInsertDialog () {
var dialogBody = jQuery( '#plugin-slug-insert-dialog-body' ).append( '[Loading element like span.spinner]' );
// Get the form template from WordPress
jQuery.post( ajaxurl, {
action: 'plugin_slug_insert_dialog'
}, function( response ) {
template = response;
dialogBody.children( '.loading' ).remove();
dialogBody.append( template );
jQuery( '.spinner' ).hide();